Friday, August 30, 2013

wish I was here

this looks cool

new kitchen appliance colors

the appliance cos have been forecasting what comes next after stainless, they have been wrong about brass and everything else that came before

Sunday, August 25, 2013

landscape inspiration for modern homes desert, midwest, northwest

 look how the trees are strategically organized to accentuate the drama of the roof slope
simple wins for this outdoor dining space.... another good home staging picture; buyers are free to imagine their own embellishments

natural plants with mindfully cleared space

homemade modern

great site, hopefully they will keep the projects coming

some suggestions for use of reclaimed textures

 old bed + ikea shelf
 old books and old leather coat + rotary phone
 I highly recommend custom desks for optimizing your space
 a man's room done by a woman

Saturday, August 24, 2013

furniture for busy walls

Love this chair and plant stand combo... the raw wood with the modern background adds a nice bit of drama too.

designing with color and texture

these are always great in a child's room

its crazy to loose a closet, ...but maybe if you need an office

hey realtors.... remember to take photos with the lights on.  I have worked on way too many house stagings where the realtors end up with bad photos.

random stuff

Friday, August 23, 2013

this tub is everywhere!!!

is white the new white?

working [starting] on a nautical inspired interior design...

trying something new

..been through some stuff and need a new beginning.  Here is my new mantra for tomorrow

It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all, in which case you have failed by default.
                                                                                      J. K. Rowling